Executive Coach – Dawn Klatzko

Executive Coach Dawn Klatzko Art of the Suit

Executive Coach, Dawn Klatzko’s profile page has gone live on Professional Speaker Services.

Of course, Dawn isn’t only an executive coach. She’s also a motivational speaker and author.

She’s written a book called The Art Of The Suit. She also has a keynote and a workshop by the same name.

The first 35 years of her working life was spent in the advertising industry.

She shares this hard-won knowledge in the advertising and marketing trenches in a keynote speech called Take Your Brand To Work.

Her keynote speech, The Art of the Suit Boosting is directed a setting you up for success in your business life. The speech will teach you effective, yet simple tools to become fully engaged and successful at work.

Dawn isn’t only an executive coach

Dawn has been an executive coach since 2012 after re-inventing herself after taking a 4-month sabbatical at the Amalfi coast in Italy. She has recently branched out into professional speaking. To this end, she has 3 signature keynotes:

  • The Art Of The Suit
  • You Are The Cheese In The Sandwich
  • Take Your Brand To Work

She is driven to achieve goals and help other people achieve theirs. To this end, obtained her pilot’s license, speaks Italian and is an indoor cycling instructor (that’s her hobby job).

PSASA LogoDawn is a member of the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa.

“Dawn’s ‘The Art of the Suit’ motivational talk is a fresh, honest take on how to survive in business. The insights shared through storytelling made them relatable and the success Dawn has experienced through these insights is inspiring!” Nicole Cunnigham, Lecturer, Faculty of Management, University of Johannesburg.

About Professional Speaker Services

The website was launched in the middle of November 2017. The big idea is to help professional speakers, coaches, trainers and consultants build their knowledge businesses. Jacques de Villiers is the driving force behind this venture. He believes that every subject expert has a place in this world and should have the opportunity to share his or her hard-won knowledge.

Professional Speaker Services wishes executive coach and professional speaker, Dawn Klatzko years of success in this amazing field she’s chosen.