I’ll take you a bet that I’m the only brain motivational speaker in South Africa.
Of course I’m not talking about neuroscience or how the brain works, but the workings of The Brain 10.
This tool helps me: take notes, have a non-linear system of file management and visualise ideas and relationships easier.
I use the Brain 10 to help my audience get to know me as a human being and not only as a one-dimensional professional speaker and trainer.
The brain allows me in an simple way to show my skills, real personality, interests and thoughts. It also allows me to disseminate information so that my readers can find my thoughts easily.
Beyond Mind Mapping
Besides being a mind mapping tool (and it’s way beyond that) it helps me as a brain motivational speaker in South Africa to market concepts and ideas on my website without the reader having to leave my page.
Here’s and example of how I show my readers more of me so that when they make a decision to use a professional speaker for their conferences, they have more of an idea of who I am. Click on the links and it’ll lead you through a series of thoughts. Some you can read and some will send you to a website I’ve referenced.
You may notice that I’ve pinned three thoughts to the top of the brain: My business, My interests and Jacques de Villiers’s Brain. This helps when you go too deep down the rabbit hole and need to find your way back.
It shows them my depth, range, eccentricities and intellect. It hopefully also engages you enough so that you stay on the page a while longer and actually get some value out of it.
*Giving away lead magnets
It allows be to give away all my books for free in a format that’s easy to read. Unfortunately, it’s also easy to distribute as one just has to send a link to one’s friends. Of course, the upside of that is that more people get to know me as a brain motivational speaker in South Africa.
If you’d like to see how the process works (from email address to Brain), download my latest book, What if Hollywood Doesn’t Call. A Fractured Monk’s Guide to Enlightenment.
*Lead Magnet: A lead magnet is where one gives away something for free (typically a downloadable information product) so that one can get a name and email address to keep in touch with the reader.
What’s great about the Brain 10 is that I can keep on adding chapters to the book and let my readers know. They get to keep the same link and go straight to the new chapter. This is an easier and faster process than writing into a document and converting it into PDF.
In time I’ll share more notes from the only brain motivational speaker in South Africa today so that you can find out how to apply the Brain 10 to your life and business.