Zoom call with Rotary Club of Johannesburg: Write your legacy story

Write your legacy story and memoir

As a consequence of doing an online talk on writing for Writers 2000, an article was placed in the Bedfordview and Edenvale News.

It was picked up by David Crossley of the Rotary Club of Johannesburg, and he asked me if I’d give a 20-minute presentation to his members on Tuesday 20 July at 18:45.

All are welcome to attend. Check the photo out for sign up details. Evidently it will be both a Zoom and Facebook Live session.

Facebook Live. https://www.facebook.com/RCOJHB/ or Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86421787906?pwd=NmRaNVVwN2FOZ0hIZG9nMTU1bE5Xdz09

Here’s the promotional copy.

Write Your Legacy Story
Healing – Happiness – Hope

What’s stopping you from writing your legacy story?

Do you think that you haven’t lived a life of consequence? Do you think that you haven’t done work that matters? Do you think that you haven’t made a difference to your family, friends and companions on this journey? Do you think that your story doesn’t matter?

Philosopher, author and human excellence catalyst, Jacques de Villiers will argue that it is your duty to write your legacy story so that you enchant, enthral and encourage those that are to follow.

He’ll argue that no matter who you are, you are of consequence, you do matter and you do make a difference. You have a story to tell, a legacy to share and lessons to impart.

Jacques has written more than 12-million words circa 1996. He has penned and edited 33 books in that time.

When he’s not writing, you’ll find him playing chess, catching bass, studying the philosophy of Carlos Castaneda and scratching around in military cultures.

If you want to learn why you should write your legacy story, join us on 20 July at 18:45 on:

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86421787906?pwd=NmRaNVVwN2FOZ0hIZG9nMTU1bE5Xdz09 PASSWORD: JHB or https://www.facebook.com/RCOJHB/