How to Start A Cult
Jacques de Villiers – writing quest: Article 49/365 Millions of people believe that Charles Darwin coined the phrase, “survival of the fittest.” It was actually philosopher Herbet Spencer who coined it five years after reading Darwin’s Origin of Species. What Darwin actually said was, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most […]
How do you know when you’re in a cult?
A friend and I were talking last night about how really whip-smart people can get into cultish behaviour and start sipping the Kool-Aid (a reference to the Jonestown mass suicide where 918 people died). I’m sure I don’t have to explain a cult to you, you’re whip-smart. How do we know when we’re in a […]
Beware Of Drinking The Guru’s Kool-Aid
I’ve been known to hero-worship someone from time-to-time. I’ve even anointed people with guru status. And, I’ve believed everything that guru has said and taken it as gospel and blindly followed him. As I’ve gotten older and not necessarily wiser, I’ve realised that it’s a dangerous game to put your destiny in one person’s hands. The challenge […]