The Disillusionment Paradox

The disillusionment paradox, Jacques de Villiers, motivational speaker

Imagine your 80-year-old self reflecting on how you played the game until this point. Looking back, did you achieve everything that you set out to do? Some of it? None of it? Did the promise life or at least GQ, Vogue and Cosmopolitan magazines make you come true? Did you get that perfect life? The […]

Jonah, the Whale and You

Whale - Jacques de Villiers

I was reading about Jonah and the whale as one does when Stephen King starts to get boring. You know the story. God commands Jonah to preach repentance to the city of Nineveh. Jonah wasn’t keen on this. First, the city was known for its wickedness. Second, it was the capital of the Assyrian empire, […]